This page contains information on our online legal conformations. While some legal documentation pertaining to Iowa Code 162 and 717b may be presented on this page, please do not use it as a resource for rescue operations. This is only designed to function as a resource for cyber-based legal documentation and online rescue operations only. This includes, but is not limited to: Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Information, General Copyright, User Rights, Content Rights, Trademarks, Social Media Disclaimers, Privacy Policies, Creative Commons, Terms of Service (including Use and Termination), and all other internet or electronic based policies.
If you have concerns, don’t hesitate to contact us. If you clicked a link to get here, that link is probably there to raise awareness and remind you that we take privacy seriously.
Privacy Using Third-Party Scripts & Websites
While we know that you're visiting us on our website, there are some other services that may be collecting information or may have access to our website to help you have a better experience. Examples of this include Google (for fonts), Facebook (for news), or RescueGroups (for our applications). Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with some of these third-parties with the links specified here.
External Links
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Data transmitted from this site is encrypted and protected by use of a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Certificate. Natively the site forces a secure connection for any person accessing our page. In the event that the URL does not begin with "https", DO NOT submit any information! Always ensure that you are using a secure connection by checking if the HTTPS prefix is present and that K9 Kindness Rescue, Inc. is the owner identified. You should also see a green address bar instead of a standard white one. Check with the help documentation on your browser to learn more about how to authenticate SSL certificates.